WIN a day’s Personal Training session with Annabel Williams
Summer project – Enter a photo to WIN a training session!
The winner will learn all about photographing people, have the chance to discuss their photos and photographic needs, and then we’ll go out on a shoot together (UK or US location available).
What’s this all about?
I have a major summer project that I need to complete – It’s all go right now, which means there will be a short break in blogs until the end of August, so I thought I’d give YOU a summer project to work on while I’m doing mine! With the added bonus, that you might be the lucky person who gets their own personal training session later in the year!
Many people think they have NO CHANCE of winning a photography competition – but the truth is YOU DO! You would be amazed at how few people actually enter photographic competitions. There are lots of competitions around, but so many people lack the confidence to believe their photo will win, that they don’t actually enter! And if you don’t enter, you can’t win!
You can still enjoy the project even if you decide not to enter the competition – but this project is designed to give you the confidence to enter – I hope you do!
OK – here’s the project
1. The theme is BLUE and LINES – and the winner will be the person who has included both of these within their picture of a person (or people), which is well exposed, well lit, and stands out from the rest.
2. Boost your confidence – go out and find someone you would love to photograph! It can be a child, or an adult – anyone that interests you or inspires you! Try photographing your friend’s children, and maybe she can photograph yours! Or just ask that person you’ve seen around who you’ve always thought would look great in a photo!
3. You have the perfect excuse to ask them to do a photo shoot now, because you want them to help you win the competition. They are likely to be really keen to help you out.
4. You can photograph more than one person in the photo, it’s not limited to a single subject, but a person (or people) need to feature in the photo in some way.
5. Anyone with a camera (or camera phone) can enter the competition, and you don’t have to be a professional photographer. If you are an amateur photographer, or a mum with a camera, great! You’d be surprised how often amateurs beat professionals in photo competitions!
6. Read my tips on this site, to find great light and backgrounds, and allow yourself time to plan your shoot.
7. Don’t take it too seriously – this is for FUN! Go out and enjoy yourself.
Some of your pictures will be featured in a follow up blog later in the year, and one person will win a day’s personal training.
Closing date
23rd August 2013 (see rules of entry below).
Please submit your entries via [email protected] and CLICK HERE for full details of the PRIZE and RULES OF ENTRY.
NOTE: Please send a maximum of THREE (3) jpeg images only. Maximum size per jpeg: 3mb. Any entries containing more than 3 images, or images which are larger than 3mb will be disqualified (sorry!).
I’d love you to enter this competition, but there are lots of other competitions out there too – don’t be afraid to enter them! Check out this short blog for tips: HOW TO: Enhance your chances of winning a photo competition
Good luck!